CRI (Cooperative Resources)
Cooperative Resources International is one of the world’s largest global genetics organizations providing superior bull cattle genetics to dairy and beef producers in over 60 countries across the globe. With international sales and acquisitions changing CRI’s financial profile and asset locations, the Company’s financing needs evolved. The Cooperative engaged PPC to evaluate financing alternatives to support the business’s worldwide expansion. Important considerations for the Cooperative included asset collateral utilization on a worldwide basis, multi-year facilities, cost of funds, and the ability to react quickly to acquisition funding needs when they arise. While PPC solicited a number of financing options for the Cooperative’s consideration, a multibank borrowing arrangement led by JPMorgan Chase ultimately resulted in the most cost effective funding solution with flexibility to expand. The new financing structure arranged by Promontory Point Capital successfully aligns a global animal genetics company with a global financial partner and our client is now well-positioned to achieve their growth objectives and international funding needs for 2013 and beyond.