Founded in 1994, Alternative Energy Systems Consulting (AESC) provides energy program design and implementation, measurement and verification, and corporate sustainability services to utilities, regulators, and private enterprise throughout the United States. AESC’s engineering-focused capabilities include designing energy efficiency incentive programs, performing client technology assessments, offering proprietary software solutions, and applying smart grid technology to both transmission and distribution markets.

AESC was introduced to Promontory Point Capital as the Company’s shareholders desired to assess their strategic and financial options given the strong M&A market. Given PPC’s extensive experience with privately-owned companies, along with the firm’s successful advisory and transactional experience with similar niche business services enterprises, AESC retained PPC as its financial advisor. The first phase of the engagement involved the identification of global, national, and regional parties that would strategically benefit from AESC’s engineering talent, customer relationships, and the Company’s position at the intersection of public and private energy efficiency interests. In total, PPC identified over 75 strategic and financial candidates to approach relative to a potential transaction involving the business of AESC.

After confidentially soliciting strategic interest from this national and international group of potential buyers, AESC signed a formal letter of intent with Italy-based Energie Valsabbia Spa (EVA). The transaction ultimately achieved AESC’s primary objectives of gaining liquidity for founding shareholders along with securing an international growth-minded strategic partner for the business. Read the press release.